Don’t Stop Reaching

“When did you stop reaching for things that are out of reach?”  That’s exactly what I heard the spirit of the Lord ask me one afternoon as I was watching my child. She was always up on her tip toes, always walking around with her arms outstretched.  Always reaching for things that were slightly out of[…]

people walking up and down the stairs near temple

For Such A Time As This

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress on March 3.  This address came at a critical time for both our nations.  Interestingly enough Netanyahu came at the start of the Jewish festival of Purim.  Purim commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination from Haman by the heroic act[…]

Finding Passion This Week

Passion week is sacred.  It is the time of year the whole earth celebrates the sacrifice of our Savior, and more importantly, the resurrection of our Redeemer.  Truly we can say, “Because He lives; I can face tomorrow!” I encourage you, make this week more meaningful by reading through the passion week scriptures.  Leonard Ravenhill[…]