

I had an epiphany 10,000 feet above Dallas Fort Worth.  My flight was on its final approach into DFW and as I was looking out the window on my city it occurred to me, “this city looks different from up here.”

It just so happened that our flight path that day presented views of both cities of Dallas and Fort Worth.  I could see Texas Stadium in Irving and the new billion-dollar Cowboys stadium in Arlington from that vantage point.  I could see old cities and new cities that were springing up from the fresh excavated ground.  And I could see all this at once.

I heard the spirit of Lord speak to me, “Son, I want to shift your thinking!  I want to give  you a God perspective on your city. Because if I shift your thinking, I shift your life”  

Perspective Is Everything.

As I pondered that thought I came to a realization.  A pilot most likely doesn’t drive the road in a car the same way a non-pilot does.  The reason is that a pilot’s world is higher.  His perspective is on a different plane (pardon the pun) than the simple soccer mom in a minivan.  A pilot doesn’t just see his immediate surroundings but foresees what is ahead.  He has a greater sense for where he is, what direction he is headed and all the terrain that lies between. 

Perspective is everything.  Your perspective is shaped by a lot of factors.  Your education, upbringing, faith, experiences, hurts, and culture all pay a role in shaping the lens through which view or hear anything.  We all have different perspectives and because of this we all see things differently.

For Example, I’m astounded how clear communication is truly a difficult task to master.  I can make a statement and mean one thing by saying it.  Though it is often interpreted differently from what I meant.  The reason is their perspective shapes the way they hear what I’m saying. 

Shift Your Perspective, Change Your Life

Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 

Solomon understood the power of perspective and pursued God’s wisdom because it expanded his perspective. God’s ways are not our ways.  His thoughts are higher than ours.  Our human, carnal thoughts are foolishness to Him.  

When we choose to pursue wisdom and adopt a higher perspective, it changes your life.  Shift your perspective, Change your life!

In the corporate world people are paid well because of the wealth of their knowledge and their unique perspective.  You could say that what they know, creates their value to a company.  The more they know, the more they’re worth.  This is why a good education is so important.

It’s true in the natural, because it parallels a spiritual principle.  If you desire success in life, if you aspire to lift your limitations, if you want to expand your horizons then it is time to shift your perspective and change your life.

If you always see the glass as half empty you can expect that your life will always seem limited.  Though if you shift your perspective and begin to see things from a God’s eye view, you’ll begin to see your life change.  Possibilities open up!  Prospects abound!  Prosperity follows!  This is the current journey I am on. 

I end by giving you a few steps that I myself am making a conscious effort to employ in my day to day life:

1.)   Get In the Word!

God’s wisdom is clearly laid out in His word.  But that wisdom does no good to you if you leave it on the pages. Get on a disciplined Bible reading plan.  Take your time, consume the word and pay attention to the principles of the word.  They work!!!

2.)   Look Through Another Persons Eyes!

Once a day try to imagine life through some else’s eyes.  Try to think like they think.  Ask questions, lots of questions.  Think about how you view something and why you see it that way.  Then think about how they may see it differently.  Remember, shift your perspective, change your world!

3.)   Read then Grow!

A great mentor of mine once taught me that the moment you stop learning, you stop growing.  You should always have a book in front of you and you should always be learning.  Remember what you know creates value and lifts your possibilities!

These are just a few thoughts, but I guarantee they are potentially life changing thoughts.

It’s time to Shift!

2 thoughts on “Shift

  • Daniel, this is a great word; a great perspective; and yes when we stop learning, we stop growing; I’m a whole lot older than you and I still love learning; especially God’s Word; it’s so rich; so invigorating; so meaningful; so hopeful.

  • How true this is…makes me start thinking about how to “shift” in my own life. — Thanks for writing this blog!

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