Things That Keep Leaders Up at Night

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, ESV)

In 2006, we embarked on a journey that would stretch our faith—planning our very first youth conference. It was a monumental task, one that I had no framework for. We had no established base, no marketing budget, and very little experience. Yet, we believed with all our hearts that this was what God was calling us to do.

We began by inviting five nationally known speakers, eager to bring a powerful message to the youth. However, two of them backed out at the last minute, leaving us scrambling. The financial challenges seemed insurmountable, with a bill totaling over $65,000 and a director I couldn’t pay. For nine months, I wrestled with anxiety and fear, losing sleep as I imagined the worst—an empty room, the embarrassment of failure, and the unmet needs of those we aimed to serve.

But as it often happens, God had other plans. In the end, the conference was wildly successful—976 people attended, it was broadcast globally on God TV, and we even made a $75,000 profit. Yet, despite the success, the sleepless nights I experienced were very real, driven by three things that often keep leaders awake at night:

1. Past Failures: Mistakes and Missteps

As leaders, the memory of past failures can haunt us, causing doubt and insecurity. We replay those moments, wondering what we could have done differently. But here’s the truth: the past is beyond our control. We can’t change it, but we can learn from it and grow.

Henry Ford once said, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” Our past is like a free education, full of valuable lessons if we’re willing to embrace them.

2. Future Worries: Imagined or Real

The uncertainty of the future can keep us up at night, filling our minds with endless “what ifs.” We can’t see what lies ahead, and that unknown can be terrifying. But while we can’t predict the future, we can prepare for it, pray about it, and place our hope in God’s faithfulness.

The reality is that 80% of the things we worry about never come to pass. And even when challenges do arise, they are often outside of our control. So what should we do?

Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” We may not see the entire path, but we can take the next step in faith, trusting God to guide us.

3. Present Problems

We cannot change the past, nor can we predict the future. What we can do is affect the present by doing the next best thing and trusting God with the rest.

Today is filled with its own trials and tests, but remember this: life will often test you before it blesses you. If the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord, then our focus should be on seeking Him first and His kingdom, and then taking the next best step into our day.

The long road to a successful future is made up of a million little steps that may not seem significant in the moment but, in the end, compound into success.

So, let this be an encouragement to you—whatever you’re facing, focus on what you can do today. God has a way of turning our sleepless nights into testimonies of His goodness.

Steps for Today:


Start your day in the Spirit, aligning your heart with God’s will.


Challenge yourself with something new today. Growth happens outside of your comfort zone.


Take care of your body—the temple the Lord has blessed you with. No excuses!

Prioritize and Plan

Nothing happens by accident. Set a goal and make a plan to achieve it.

Review and Adjust

Take time to review and adjust your actions daily, weekly, and monthly.

Remember, leadership is not just about the big moments. It’s about the daily disciplines, the small steps, and the faith to keep moving forward, even when the way isn’t clear. So, what’s keeping you up at night? And what can you do about it today?

Trust God, take the next step, and let Him turn your worries into His victories.