Yes, Pray For Dallas & America!

shallow photography of usa flag
Photo by Sawyer Sutton on

I woke up this morning to the news of the tragedy here in Dallas.  11 police officers, 1 bystander shot, five dead.  It was done in an evil act of retaliation by four gunmen.  Our hearts are understandably grieved.

My prayers are with the families forever affected by this tragedy.  Their lives have been altered because someone thought injustice could bring about justice.

My intercession is also for my country.  Our nation was significantly affected as well.  Such violence only piles more fuel upon the fires of hate and division.  It does not bring healing, it hurts.

America is in serious distress.  We are a broken people.  We are a divided nation.  But we are not beyond the Grace of God.  If only we will turn back to Him.

The answer will not be found politically, but spiritually,

Today each of us will feel the need to “DO SOMETHING”.  The question is what to do, or where to turn? Do I turn within myself?  How can I, when I am part of the problem!  Do I turn to others?  Aren’t we all equally broken!  To God then?  Yes, He is our only hope!  But it must be a total and complete surrender.

So if you want to do something, start here. Turn those feelings of anger, fear, confusion and grief into prayers of repentance.  Turn to God.

What do I need to repent for?

The restoration of a nation is only possible when we each take responsibility for the portion upon which we stand.  If the land is sick, then I must recognize my part of the problem.

Repent for where our words, actions and inactions have added to the division.  Repent for where we turned a blind eye to injustice.  Repent for remaining silent and idle where we could have lent a helping hand.  Repent for failing to realize that if we are not part of the solution, then we are part of the problem.

“Oh God make a careful search of this heart and reveal where I am not like you.  Forgive me and bring healing to my land.  Every square inch of it.  I can not speak for the whole nation, but I can speak for my portion of it.  Revive my land, and transform it.”

Then when you get up from that place of repentance, offer your hands to the Lord to be used to bring the healing you’ve prayed for.  Today there are many that need to be held as the grieve.  There are even more that need to be shown true love and generosity.  I imagine a need is not far from you at this moment.  Meet it!  A multitude that moves in such a way can bring no less than great change.

America is in need of a GREATER AWAKENING.  Such a reformation must start somewhere.  Let it start in you!

#prayforDallas #allLivesMatter #trailoffire #greaterawakening #appealtoheaven